Are You a Good Candidate for Fat Freezing?

Fat freezing (or cryolipolysis) is a procedure that involves cooling targeted areas of body fat to temperatures that cause the fat cells to break down. It is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that is becoming increasingly popular as a way to reduce fat.

Fat freezing is a safe way to reduce fat in the body. But there are factors to take into consideration before finding the right candidate for the procedure. Here's everything you need to know.

Signs That Fat Freezing is For You

If you have stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise alone can’t seem to get rid of and are in generally good health, you may be the perfect candidate for fat freezing. It is important to consult with a qualified consultant to determine if you are a good candidate for fat freezing before undergoing treatment.

Is Fat Freezing Safe Post-Pregnancy?

Fat freezing is generally considered to be a safe post-pregnancy option for those looking to achieve their desired body shape. It is an effective way to target and reduce stubborn areas of fat that may not respond to traditional diet and exercise. 

If you are considering a fat-freezing procedure and planning to have children in the future, it is important to plan accordingly and have your last session at least four weeks before trying to conceive, however as there is no specific time indicated in the treatment protocols and the elimination of the dead fat cells after treatment takes up to 3 months - we highly recommend that you delay your conception for 3 months after this non-invasive body contouring procedure. and eliminate the fat cells that were destroyed during the procedure.

What can't fat freezing remove effectively?

1) Visceral Fat

Visceral fat is a type of fat that is stored within the abdominal cavity and is located around a variety of organs, such as the stomach, liver, and intestines. It is a deeper, more dangerous type of fat than subcutaneous fat, which is found just underneath the skin. 

Visceral fat is more difficult to remove than subcutaneous fat, and it cannot be removed simply by fat freezing. There are no non-invasive body contouring procedures that can remove visceral fat. The reduction of visceral fat relies on diet and exercise. 

2) Cellulite

Although fat freezing can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, it cannot remove it completely. Fat freezing works by targeting fat cells and destroying them, but it cannot target the connective tissue that causes the dimpling.  With a reduction in fat cells (due to fat freezing) the area is less dimpled, hence it appears like a reduction of cellulite occurs. 

3) Loose Skin

Loose skin is one of the things that cannot be effectively removed by fat freezing. Loose skin occurs when the elasticity of the skin is reduced due to aging, sun exposure, rapid weight loss, or other factors. However, in most cases, the skin in the treated area is lifted and tightened as a whole due to there being less weight from the fat cells in the area. 

The only way to effectively remove loose skin is through a surgical procedure such as a tummy tuck or the rejuvenation of the skin and the scar tissue in the area through other technologies - such as Microneedling with Radio Frequency. 

What Can Fat Freezing Remove Effectively?

Fat freezing can be used to effectively reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat in the body, such as in the stomach, arms, thighs, waist, hips, knees, chin, and men’s chest area. . The benefit of fat freezing is that it is non-invasive; there are no incisions, no bleeding, and no general anesthetic. 

The fat cells that are frozen during the procedure are permanently removed from the body, resulting in a more sculpted and toned appearance. 


Fat freezing can be an effective way to reduce stubborn fat in certain areas of the body. If you believe you might be a good candidate for fat freezing, talk to a fat-freezing clinician today!

If you are considering fat freezing for yourself, Beautiful Body Clinics has you covered. We are the fat-freezing specialists that can help you get the body you desire and the body you deserve. Get in touch with us to learn how fat freezing can help you. We offer a Behavioural Change program to complement and support our clients' physical and emotional changes after their fat-freezing session.


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