Cryolipolysis and Fat Freezing Inspiring Success Stories
Client Success Story - Paul is Fat-freezing his stomach and man boobs away!
Client Success Story - Janet in her mid-70s shows that Fat-freezing at any age is worth it.
Client Success Story - How Many Sessions of Fat freezing will I need? - Mia
Client Success Story – Fat Freezing Hip & Lower Belly Result
Client success story - Cara’s Surprise Transformation Journey
Client success story - Mary's Remarkable Physical Transformation
Client success story - Jenn’s remarkable fat freezing results!
Client success story - Ruth’s remarkable fa freezing results!
Meet Jane
Frustrated with her muffin top, Jane had an abdomen treatment with us and had amazing results! She can now wear her jeans again - comfortably! Check out the story on Instagram for more information, which can be viewed via the app or desktop @beautifulbodyclinics.
Meet Jemima
Working single mum could not get to gym to exercise and ate healthy most of the time. Jemima lost 4 inches of belly fat through the application of 2 fat freezing handles. She now has the body that she deserves.
Meet Bianca
Fat freezing works on arms too. This client, Bianca hated her arms and always wore long-sleeved tops. She was frustrated in the summer because of the restrictions that her arms created because she ‘hated” them. I can never wear a tank top or a singlet. I even wear long sleeves to the beach, which I know is ridiculous. I am just so embarrassed by them.” With just one treatment, we can see significant fat loss on her upper arms, giving her more confidence to wear different clothes and more choices in the clothes she could wear in summer.
Meet Amelia
Sick of her jeans cutting into her hips, Juliette decided for a single treatment of fat freezing on each hip to get rid of her muffin top. Despite her small size, her muffin top was impacting on her self-confidence. “I don’t tuck my shirt in, because it is too bulky. Instead, I opt for long floaty tops. God forbid if the wind blows my top up and you see this handing over the top of my jeans” We were able to reduce her hip circumference by 3 inches with just a single treatment.
Meet Amanda
When Amanda came to us she wanted to get rid of her inner thigh fat, she wanted a “thigh gap”. Freezing fat cells was a simple, cost and time effective option for Amanda. These images were taken 6 weeks after treatment, 2 handles (1 each thigh). She was happy with her Cryolipolysis results at just 6 weeks (Maximum effects are seen at 12 -16 weeks after treatment).
Meet Juliette
5 years prior to visiting our clinic Amelia had had a “tummy tuck” however some of the fat cells that remained after her surgery had grown again in size and pooled in certain areas across her abdomen, leaving her with lumps and bumps and a particularly large pocket of fat at the front of her abdomen, Having spent thousands of dollars on her surgery she invested further in herself and had fat freezing treatment to obtain a new improved body shape.
Meet Kim
When Kim first came to the clinic, she had the typical busy mum shape, whereby after children the lower belly becomes larger and despite diet and exercise, nothing would get rid of it. We applied 4 handles in a diamond shape, and these are her results at 3 months. No further treatment was required or recommended as she was content and happy with her new shape.
Meet Melissa - 2 handles (1 each side)
The 360° cooling profile of the Clatuu handles provided a smooth finish and significant reduction of the bulges, creating a great contouring effect under Melissa’s bra area. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment is perfect for removing fat in the areas like the bra bulge and back fat. No surgery, no knife, no downtime. Melissa was “delighted” with the success of her fat freezing results.
Meet Emily
Emily was suitable for 8 handles on her abdomen due to the amount of tissue that was present. We split these into 2 sessions - 5 days apart to provide her with optimal comfort. Over the course of the next few months, she decided to return for additional treatments on her waist, bra bulge, and arms. The beauty of fat freezing is that it allows for a treatment plan time frame that works for everyone.
Meet Maree
Maree exercised daily, never ate sugar and never drank alcohol, but just couldn’t get rid of her belly fat. Maree was 65 when she first came to see us. She was determined to get rid of her belly for her 50th wedding anniversary. We placed the handles in a diamond shape on Maree's abdomen to achieve this result. Like most abdomens multiple treatments can be applied to remove additional fat.
Male Fat Freezing Results
Meet Jack
A vibrant 55-year-old who underwent fat freezing treatment 3 months ago and he was ecstatic when he attended his 3 month fat-freezing review appointment.
Jack undertook a single treatment of fat freezing, on his abdomen and his hips with his results showcasing the incredible effectiveness of this non-invasive procedure. In just three months, fat freezing helped Jack eliminate stubborn fat cells and achieve a remarkable transformation. Witnessing visible changes in his physique and a boost in confidence, he improved his diet and increased his exercise which is a common story with our clients.
Meet John
This is the inspiring fat freezing results of John, a 60-year-old who underwent fat freezing treatment just three months ago. After seeing multiple positive fat freezing reviews, John came our clinic for support. His experience and results with fat freezing speak volumes about the effectiveness of this non-invasive procedure. He even travelled interstate and used his layover to visit us. Fat freezing eliminated his stubborn fat cells, resulting in a remarkable transformation. His waist circumference is down 10cm, hips down 8cm, umbilicus down 9cm and chest down 5cm despite staying the same weight.
Meet Simon
Simon had chest treatment 8 weeks ago and these are the results. He returned to the clinic after that for his fat freezing review to assess whether further treatment was required. Due to the amount of tissue on his chest areas, we have recommended an additional treatment. Simon was able to notice the reduction in tissue but had forgotten how much larger the area was prior to fat freezing treatment.
Man boobs are a common problem in men that impacts self-confidence. A single treatment takes less than an hour and the results last for a lifetime.
This client George was treated with a single session of fat freezing using 2 handles placed in diamond shape around his belly. Prior to fat freezing he was unhappy with the shape and size of his abdomen. At 75 years of age he didn’t want liposuction as he was nervous of the procedure and the recovery period. Moreover, liposuction was too expensive and drastic of a step for him. These images are the results after one session of fat freezing, and the 12 months following. He has lost weight since his initial treatment.
Meet George
George’s shape was very common in males, with the tight belly rounded shape also called apple shape. This shape is often reflective of a higher level or visceral fat (fat that is around the organs yet underneath the abdominal muscle layer). At his free consultation we were able to ascertain that he was a suitable candidate for fat freezing by measuring the amount of subcutaneous fat on his body.
Weight loss after fat freezing is quite common. It is not only because of the reduction of fat cells but also because of the boosted motivation and self esteem followed the physique’s changes. We aim for this positive feedback loop for our clients and offer a free Behavioural Change Program assist our clients. This program encourages the practice of a healthier routine and the cessation of emotional eating all whilst logging your results (calorie intake, output and weight) daily in our Accountability Journal.
George has lost 7.1 kilograms since our first treatment over 12 months ago and he has lost 10cm off his circumference.
George stated that he has increased his daily exercise and reduced snacking as a result of feeling better about his body.
All thanks to his improved self esteem, his changed behaviors and the physique changes the fat freezing procedure has kicked off.
Meet Linda - Founder of Beautiful Body Clinics
Although a size 10-12, Linda wasn’t happy with her shape. She was unable to hide her belly fat under her clothes, but didn’t like getting naked or into her bikini. She was extremely happy with her fat-freezing results. Linda was the same weight but had a significant change in body shape.

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