For both women and men, an increase of fat in the bra and back area is not only uncomfortable but is also often associated with self criticism and a negative body image. Have you ever been in a 360 degree mirror situation in the Myer change rooms and thought that was not the back you wanna see? Don’t worry, you are not alone and fat freezing might be just the perfect solution to get rid of back fat or bra bulge (for women). The targeting of these tissues above or below the bra line on women and at the general folded area for men creates a permanently contoured shape.

Fat freezing operates via a process known as apoptosis, wherein subcutaneous fat cells are subjected to freezing temperatures through the application of scientifically approved cooling technology. Over the following 12 weeks of the procedure, these cells are naturally expelled from the body via the lymphatic system. As the number of fat cells diminishes, the volume of subcutaneous fat in the treated area decreases, resulting in a more sculpted appearance.

For a more detailed description on how fat freezing works please head to our home page.

Fat Freezing For the Back and Bra Line area

Fat Freezing for Bra Puff

Bra puff is the area just above the breast tissue, adjacent to the armpit. For many women, excessive fat tissue in this area is often results in a lack of self-confidence and takes away many beautiful and flattering strappy dresses, tops and bathers as their wardrobe options.

But worry no further because a session of Fat Freezing for this area might be just the thing you need to feel comfortable and fearless again in your strapless bras and lovely dresses.

For the treatment on this area, we use a small curved shaped applicator to target the subcutaneous tissues. Depending on the number and size of these adjacent tissues, we will recommend the appropriate number of treatment sessions for each side.

Find out more how fat freezing works and who we are here on our home page

Need some more information?

This information pack was designed with you in mind. We want to help support you on your journey to deciding whether fat freezing is the best option for you.

It will answer the questions you have, show you how fat freezing can help you achieve your desires and also provide resources and tools to make your decision making process that bit easier.

Also, at Beautiful Body Clinics we don't just do fat freezing. We work with our clients through the "mindset" transformation that occurs as well.

We celebrate our clients’ decision to make change and start focusing on themselves (because we don't do enough of that right!) and also help them to learn to love their body, applauding it's awesomeness along the way!

Areas of Concern

Female Fat Freezing Treatment Area

Male Fat Freezing Treatment Area

What Our Clients Say

Every Time We Flatten a Belly We Fatten a Belly!

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