Why I love what I do?!

Linda Tsiokas beautiful body clinics

Hi folks,

We had a client interview yesterday with a client that we first treated in October and then with a couple of extra fat freezing handles in December.  Kath was very typical of us busy working women. She wanted to know how to lose belly fat and the only other alternative was liposuction. Her gym and diet could not get rid of her belly. After childbirth and with a busy working life, it seemed the only alternative was liposuction. Scared of the potential side effects of this weight loss surgery, Kath heard about our cryolipolysis services and committed to treatment.  I absolutely loved seeing her walk up to the clinic doors, because she looked amazing! Her body was so much smaller than when I last saw her last. There was also a spring in her step and a HUGE smile on her face.  We were so delighted with her outcome, and I think you will find the photos pretty exciting too. These photos were taken whilst Kath still has 10 weeks to go until she sees the full results of her fat freezing.  I have included a transcript of the interview and have also recorded it for you as a downloadable file, that you can access here.   Fat freezing success stories like this happen all the time in our clinic, and we hope to conduct more of these interviews as we move forward.

So have a read or a listen to this ladi’s candid and happy conversation regarding her treatment and fat freezing results. I can confidently say that Kath had is glad she had fat freezing. In her words, I wish I had done it earlier.

Linda:                    Excellent. Welcome. What we normally do is when we start off our interviews, we tend to talk to you about some things to try and make you nice and relaxed before you get too nervous about it. The first thing we’re going to talk about is: Can you remember the 1980s and your exercise and diet habits from the ’80s?

Kath:                     1980s. That’s a long time back. 1980s, school. Exercise was lots of netball. Lots of netball.

Linda:                    Excellent.

Kath:                     I was coming from Asia. It was lots of rice, noodles, that type of diet, because very much based on an Asian diet.

Linda:                    Okay. Which is a good start because there’s lots of vegetables and lots of stir fries and things. One of the things that I remember from the ’80s is Jane Fonda.

Kath:                     Oh, yeah.

Linda:                    The big fringe, the big hair. What are they called? With your hair and fluoro Lycra.

Kath:                     Lots of Footloose, like you know the music. I think the ’80s music was great. I still love the ’80s the music, even though the kids say Mom and Dad’s old music, olden days.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     Olden days, so I’m pretty ancient here.

Linda:                    Excellent. I suppose part of it is looking back at our history and being similar ages. Those sort of decades influenced our exercise and our diet and our body image.

Kath:                     Mm-hmm (affirmative). Absolutely.

Linda:                    Because Jane Fonda was stick thin and, as it turns out some 40 years later, she had an eating disorder and was an abuser of diet pills and laxatives and things. It’s funny who we aspire to be, but then the realities of it.

Kath:                     Yeah, what they do to get there.

Linda:                    Yeah, yeah.

Kath:                     Yeah, no, it’s interesting because for me it’s all about healthy eating with physical exercise and lifestyle, especially when you have kids, you know, you want to be active with them. You want to make sure if you’re running, you can run long and you’re not huffing and puffing. It’s also to encourage them. I’ve got a boy and a girl, and to encourage them with what’s healthy, what’s not healthy, right choices to make, because you know what, I’m not going to be here forever. It’s hard to instil in them that whole sense of make the right choice as well.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     Might have a bowl of lollies, but doesn’t mean you need to eat 20 of them.

Linda:                    Yeah. Showing that self-control and discipline. Yeah, absolutely. How long have you been thinking about doing something like fat freezing to your body? Have you been looking at it for a while?

Kath:                     Yes, yeah. I’ve always wanted to get the belly down, and I call it the belly.

Linda:                    Like it’s not yours.

Kath:                     Yes, it’s not mine.

Linda:                    Fair enough.

Kath:                     It was post-children days, so pregnancy for some women, we’re not as fortunate as others who walk out of a hospital and be beautifully thin again or flat again.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     Plus, I had very difficult child births, so recovery was very difficult, and as a result, the whole belly sort of didn’t go back to what it used to be.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     But again, you know, when you have kids, your kids come first and you’re a mum. As mums, we don’t look after ourselves a lot of the time.

Linda:                    We don’t.

Kath:                     It was, what, my kids are teenagers, about coming to be a teenager soon, the oldest one. Yeah, I’ve been thinking a lot over the past few years about what am I going to do. I go to the gym, I eat well, I do everything else. I remember my physician saying, and he’s a great physician, I also do clinical Pilates at that point, and he said, Maybe your option is liposuction,” but I’m not wanting to go under the knife or anything, because again you have two kids, right? If anything happens, I’m not going to end up …

Linda:                    Is your beauty and a flat belly worth that?

Kath:                     Exactly, in your life. Then when I got to know you and you told me about this whole procedure and the very fact that you don’t go under a knife, it’s like wow. It’s something to consider. I started thinking about it, and then that day, that was it. I went, “Let’s do this.”

Linda:                    Let’s do it.

Kath:                     Yeah.

Linda:                    Excellent. I supposed we’re both pretty excited about your results.

Kath:                     Yeah.

Linda:                    Can you tell me the difference that it’s made for you? You’ve still got two months to go until we see the full extent of your treatments. How are you feeling so far about it?

Kath:                     Oh, I think it’s more what I’m feeling inside, you know? It’s definitely over the two months, the belly has gone flatter. Not flat as in completely flat, but I never expected that. But, you know, I’m starting to wear dresses well. I have to go and get a new wardrobe, yes? My pants are falling off, so when I’m trying to run after the kids, now I got to put belts on so that my shorts don’t drop. I think it’s more your own confidence in yourself, and when your colleagues and friends look at you say, “What? There’s something different about you.” And a lot of them say, “We’ve never ever noticed the belly, and it’s something in your face that’s different.” I go, “Yes, but it was the belly.” You think what the impact of it has, you know? I think it’s like your whole being cleanses and you start fresh.

Linda:                    That’s nice. Yeah, a bit of a body reboot or something.  Gets you back to that state of feeling good and liking yourself. We talk about that feel good, do good, feel good, do good scenario.

Kath:                     Absolutely.

Linda:                    I think we’ve probably all been there, where you don’t feel good so you eat bad, and then you don’t feel good. We’ve all been in that cycle. This has got you onto that feel good, do good type of behaviour. That’s great.

Kath:                     Yeah, no, loving it, loving it. I think the other tension to this is there are other businesses out there that do similar products, but I think with this one, it’s your whole slogan and the work that you do with helping women and children. You flatten one and fatten the other.

Linda:                    Yeah. I’ve just come back from Africa. I don’t know if it’s going to be possible to fatten bellies over there, so I might need to change my slogan to “flat belly, full belly,” so we can provide nourishing meals or we can provide food or agricultural means. It’s along the same lines. But, yeah, having seen it in action, for me it’s giving me a whole lot more purpose to my business if I can create good somewhere else in the world. Our first-world problems, dare I say it, but when we’re faced with constant images of size eight women and expectations and pressure to look like that, we know it’s not real, but our subconscious is constantly told that’s what’s real, so we’re faced with these first-world problems. When they’re hitting you every morning, lunch and afternoon in the face, it’s no wonder we take them on board.

Kath:                     Absolutely. I think not only do I feel good about myself, and people look at me and go, “Wow, you look great,” but it’s also for me. It’s that whole sense of giving back to communities, so I think it’s a strong pull. It’s a huge pull.

Linda:                    Excellent. Your treatment provided a family in Kenya a goat.

Kath:                     Nice.

Linda:                    That’s a nice pay-it-forward scenario. The organisation over there, when the family receives a goat, they then promise to give a goat when the goat has babies to another farming family, so it’s a pay-it-forward scenario, which is pretty exciting. Doing good ongoing.

Kath:                     Beautiful.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     All ties in together.

Linda:                    Yeah, beautiful. Could you tell me, has this made much difference to your intimate relationships, or relationship not ships, unless there’s something you need to tell me.

Kath:                     Maybe. No.

Linda:                    Intimate relationship.

Kath:                     Yeah.

Linda:                    Has it made you more confident or comfortable?

Kath:                     I think it has been. He’s enjoying the perks. He was never one to say that it was a problem, so he’s a beautiful man and very accepting of. It’s not what he sees, but it’s what’s inside.

Linda:                    Beautiful.

Kath:                     But I have to say, now he’s actually enjoying a little bit more, just a tiny bit more. But, yes, I think it’s helped the bonding, it’s helped the connection.

Linda:                    Oh, that’s nice.

Kath:                     Because in every relationship, we lead such busy lives, and sometimes you forget that you need to connect to your partner. This has just given the, “Wow, look.”

Linda:                    That’s nice. If you’re feeling confident, that would make a big difference.

Kath:                     Oh, absolutely, absolutely.

Linda:                    It’s not how he makes you feel, it’s about how you’re feeling.

Kath:                     Yeah, absolutely. Then the cycle carries on again.

Linda:                    Perfect.

Kath:                     But no more babies. Now we get to enjoy.

Linda:                    That’s very true. Can you tell me a little bit about how much exercise that you do and perhaps why you don’t do more?

Kath:                     Yeah. We live very busy lives as well. I work full-time.

Linda:                    You work full-time.

Kath:                     Yeah, I do full-time. Plus, I have kids. But exercise, I think the important thing is you incorporate that into your everyday life. What I do at work, I walk a lot during work because the nature of my job is I see people, but I have to walk from one building to another.

Linda:                    Excellent.

Kath:                     But you make the conscious decision of not taking the lift, walk two stairs up, two stairs, two flight of stairs up and down. You make the conscious decision of walking fast, when you’re going to the tram, going to the train. I think you try and put it in your everyday life. I also do a gym class on the weekend, but it’s also my time to catch up with a good friend. It’s not just exercise, but it’s my time to see a friend and spend a bit of time together. I do swimming. I go with the kids to the pool and do my exercise in the water, about maybe twice a week, 20 minutes.

Linda:                    You’re really good. You do a lot.

Kath:                     It’s the time. I use that time to bond with the kids, so they jump in the pool with me, and then we do our aqua aerobics, but we talk as we do our exercises.

Linda:                    That’s nice.

Kath:                     Yeah, it becomes a part of my life. I’m not one of those wake up at 5:30. I can’t, because it’s not me.

Linda:                    Are you a night owl?

Kath:                     I am, but I also like my sleep.

Linda:                    Okay.

Kath:                     Work is long days for me, so I don’t have the time. I can’t get to the gym at 6:00 and be at work by 8:00 o’clock, so I incorporate exercise into my everyday life.

Linda:                    Excellent. Just in regards to you’ve answered one of my questions. You work full-time, and the reason that you don’t do any more exercise is because you just don’t have the time.

Kath:                     I don’t have the time, yeah.

Linda:                    Yeah. It’s funny, but we are sort of made to feel guilty. I know that I sit on the couch in the nighttime at 9:00 o’clock. My kids are finally asleep, and I think, “You should’ve gone to the gym.” But when between 6:00 in the morning and 9:00 at night have I just sat and watched TV? I know I sit there at 9:00 o’clock at night and just stare like a zombie, waiting to go to sleep.

Kath:                     Yeah. But sometimes your whole body needs to shut down for a bit. The body needs to rest. The mind needs to rest.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     I find that for me, my 9:00 o’clock is sit on the couch with a cup of tea and just zone out.

Linda:                    One of the things also, and we had the discussion before, was that you’ve actually just come back from holidays, and I’m absolutely astounded that you haven’t put weight on. In fact, you’ve lost weight and got smaller on the belly, and you’ve been to Italy.

Kath:                     Yes. Lots and lots of beautiful gelati and pasta and paninis and all sorts of wonderful stuff. But I think again you make that conscious decision of what do I eat, how much do I eat. I’m on a trip, I want to enjoy myself, but I also make sure that I walk a lot. In Europe, you can walk a lot. Plus, I had your voice in my head the whole time. Yes, your voice.

Linda:                    Just to let the listeners know, part of my consult and when I do my treatment with clients, I tell them that their existing fat cells, the ones that we haven’t killed through the Cryolipolysis or fat freezing, can get fatter. I said that quite a few times to Kath here before she went on holidays. My voice was in your head. I’m like your little personal coach in there.

Kath:                     You are. Yes, you are.

Linda:                    Don’t eat the gelati.

Kath:                     Exactly. You make the conscious decision of hearing a voice and pacing yourself.

Linda:                    Excellent. Yeah, very well done if you’ve come back and you’re not heavier, because I don’t think I could do Europe without getting heavier.

Kath:                     Yeah, you share your panini’s and you share your paella’s and you’ll be okay.

Linda:                    Then you walk.

Kath:                     Then you walk, walk lots, walk a lot.

Linda:                    That’s great. Going just back to sort of your self-talk, prior to Cryolipolysis, did you have any negative self-talk about your body?

Kath:                     You always question what people see. You always question, yes, I’m wearing a dress, but when the wind blows, I should pull out the dress. You always question whether your body will ever become what it used to be.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     I think that’s one thing that now I can actually walk and wear a dress and feel the wind can blow and I’ll look good.

Linda:                    That’s beautiful.

Kath:                     Yeah, so it has caused a mind shift. You stand taller and you walk taller, and I think for me, I’ve consciously realied that I am standing taller and I am walking taller. It’s huge. It’s really huge.

Linda:                    That’s awesome. That was something that I noticed when you walked into the clinic. It was overwhelming how good you looked. I’m sure you’re really happy with the result.

Kath:                     Oh, absolutely. I would not turn back time.

Linda:                    Yeah. That’s great.

Kath:                     I wish I’d done it earlier, I really do.

Linda:                    The treatment’s only just sort of coming around. Yeah, look, I wish I had have found it when I was 30 rather than beating myself up for the last 10 years.

Kath:                     Absolutely, absolutely.

Linda:                    Because I’ve been beating myself up for 10 years prior to that.

Kath:                     Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. I thought at one stage like this is it forever. The belly will never go, and you just have to live it.

Linda:                    But that’s a hard thing to take to your head.

Kath:                     Absolutely.

Linda:                    Love myself exactly the way I am. Look, I think it’s brilliant. For the women that are comfortable with themselves, that are whichever size, I think it’s brilliant if they can totally accept themselves. I just couldn’t. In the life that we live, it’s not surprising that I couldn’t. Every news reader is a size eight. Every, what is it, personal trainer says, “You just need to,” and tells me what I need to do with no idea of what I do in my life.

Kath:                     Exactly, exactly. You reach a point that you go, “Why should I listen to you, because I can’t get there?” Try this, try that.

Linda:                    That’s external criticism, and then you’ve got it yourself saying, “I should’ve gone to the gym. I shouldn’t have eaten that.”

Kath:                     Exactly, yeah. No, it’s been great, so thank you.

Linda:                    Oh, you’re so welcome. What I do just towards the end of my interviews is I ask my clients five tips they have for our listeners in regards to diet or exercise or healthy living, whether it’s sort of behaviours and practices that you have. You’ve already talked about conscious choices for exercise. We just got a family outside waving at us here. Conscious exercise at work.

Kath:                     Yes.

Linda:                    Another couple?

Kath:                     I think just be conscious of what you eat.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     Don’t diet. Don’t starve. It’s not about that.

Linda:                    That’s good.

Kath:                     But just pick and choose what your body needs. Chicken and vegetables, meat and fish and lots of leafy vegetables, salads.

Linda:                    You’re a really good cook as well though, aren’t you?

Kath:                     Yeah, I do like cooking, I do like cooking, yes. But think about what you eat. Think about what’s going in. I think I also want to say once in a while treat yourself, because you do the hard work and treat yourself.

Linda:                    There’s a certain part of as a woman and as a mom working full-time, there needs to be some enjoyment and pleasure. If it means that you do treat yourself every now and then, in the whole course of your lifetime, is that one donut actually going to make any difference whatsoever?

Kath:                     Exactly, yeah, yeah. Exactly. Even the treats could be a pedicure or manicure.

Linda:                    Yeah.

Kath:                     Ask yourself what’s the treat and how do you treat yourself.

Linda:                    That’s interesting.

Kath:                     Yeah. Treat yourself with things that won’t make you feel guilty again as well.

Linda:                    Oh, that’s good.

Kath:                     My treats to myself, one of the things I said, all right, if the belly goes down within two months, three months, four months, I’m going to give myself couple more massages. I go and spoil myself with a massage.

Linda:                    That’s great. That’s all self-love and positive reinforcement.

Kath:                     Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. Treat yourself to a new dress that you have always looked at, always thought you couldn’t, and then now you can. Treat yourself to it. It’s worth it.

Linda:                    That’s beautiful. All right, thank you for listening to our podcast and interview today. Kath, thank you so much. Thank you for your bravery, letting me take photos.

Kath:                     Okay. Billboard, billboard.

Linda:                    It’s always a little bit uncomfortable, and it’s one of those things that you hide for so many years that it’s quite confronting when somebody asks you to get your gear off and let me take some photos. I appreciate you giving me your time and answering my questions and your feedback on the business and the treatment today.

Kath:                     Yeah, it’s changed my life. This is the littlest I could do back is to tell people do it, do it if you can. It’s worth it.

Linda:                    Excellent. All right, thank you.

Kath:                     Welcome.

Fat freezing treatment at Beautiful Body Clinics

We specialise in fat freezing treatment as we believe that fat freezing is the most effective and cost-efficient way to permanently change your body shape. 

Fat freezing is also the safest treatment as there are no needles or blood or the need for an anaesthetic.

We offer free consultations in our fat freezing Melbourne clinic – so please click here or give us a call on 1300 BODY NOW (1300 2639 669) to book and let us start you on the way to find your beautiful body.

Author’s Bio:

Linda – (Bachelor of Nursing) had over 10 years of hospital and surgical work experience as a Registered Nurse (1994 – 2007), and was a busy working Mum when she established Australia’s first Fat freezing Specialised clinic in Melbourne – Beautiful Body Clinics Fat Freezing Specialists. This was after personally experiencing the life-changing results of fat freezing (also called Cryolipolysis or Coolsculpting) when she was unable to get rid of her tummy despite a healthy diet and a frequent exercise program. You can contact her here directly, linda@beautifulbodyclinics.com.au



How effective is freezing fat cells?


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