The Ultimate Secret Of How Fat Freezing Works

How fat freezing works

Fat freezing, which is also called "cryolipolysis," is a non-invasive way to get rid of extra fat on the body. It works by freezing fat cells, causing them to break down and be eliminated by the body's natural processes.

The first step is to put a gel pad and an applicator on the area of the body that will be treated. The fat cells in the area are frozen by a cooling technology in the applicator. The skin and other tissues are not affected. The cooling process causes the fat cells to crystallize, or freeze, at a temperature between -7 and -11 degrees Celsius. This temperature is low enough that it won't hurt the tissue, and the pain from the suction usually goes away after 55–10 minutes. In fact, the procedure room is so comfortable that patients can bring their laptops and work, watch a movie, or even take a nap while the machine works.

After the fat cells are frozen, the body's natural processes begin to remove them. The liver and lymphatic system slowly get rid of the damaged fat cells. This process can take up to 12 weeks to finish.

Fat freezing is typically used on areas of the body that are still resistant to diet, and the liver and lymphatic system slowly get rid of the damaged fat cells. This process can take up to 12 weeks to finish. shape the body by removing small pockets of excess fat that lay underneath the skin.

One of the benefits of fat freezing, or cryolipolysis, is that it is a non-invasive procedure with minimal downtime. Unlike liposuction, which requires incisions and general anesthesia, fat freezing does not involve incisions or anesthesia. After the procedure, there may be some mild swelling and redness in the area that was treated. However, these side effects usually disappear within a few days.

Another advantage of fat freezing is that it can be done in a clinic, doctor's office, or spa setting, making it a convenient option for those who don't have the time or desire for a more invasive procedure or the time off required after liposuction for recovery. 

Freezing fat can help get rid of extra fat, but it's not a permanent solution. To keep the results of the surgery, patients must live a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating well and working out regularly.

Overall, fat freezing is a safe and effective way to remove excess fat from the body without the need for surgery or anesthesia. It is a good choice for people who want to shape their bodies but don't want the downtime or risk of liposuction. However, it is important to have realistic expectations and understand that it is not a weight loss solution but rather a way to permanently remove excess fat and alter the shape of the body.

Fat freezing treatment at Beautiful Body Clinics

We specialise in fat freezing treatment as we believe that fat freezing is the most effective and cost-efficient way to permanently change your body shape. 

Fat freezing is also the safest treatment as there are no needles, no blood or the need for an anaesthetic.

We offer free consultations in our fat freezing Melbourne clinic – so please click here or give us a call on 1300 BODY NOW (1300 2639 669) to book and let us start you on the way to find your beautiful body.

Author’s Bio:

Linda – (Bachelor of Nursing) had over 10 years of hospital and surgical work experience as a Registered Nurse (1994 – 2007), and was a busy working Mum when she established Australia’s first Fat freezing Specialised clinic in Melbourne – Beautiful Body Clinics Fat Freezing Specialists. This was after personally experiencing the life-changing results of fat freezing (also called Cryolipolysis or Coolsculpting) when she was unable to get rid of your tummy despite a healthy diet and a frequent exercise program. You can contact her here directly,


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