Netflix and chilling while Fat freezing at Beautiful Body Clinics

Netflix and chill at beautiful body clinics in Melbourne Australia

A new take on Netflix and chill. Netflix and fat freeze. When you attend our Fat freezing Melbourne clinic this is generally what happens. You lay back and relax – and let us do all the work. This is so much easier than going to the gym. Fat freezing is relatively comfortable once the handles have been applied. When the machine pulls the tissue into the fat freezing handle there is some discomfort- but generally, this lasts only a few minutes. Throughout the treatment the fat cells are numb so there is no pain. Only after we remove the handles do you feel anything. Whilst we massage the area it is a little painful. Generally, our clients leave the clinic with no pain at all.

Best way to check if Fat Freezing treatment is working?

This client – a lovely Mum of 1 young child couldn’t see the difference in her fat loss until we created this before and after fat freezing result photo. Part of the importance of returning for a follow-up appointment after fat freezing treatment is to gain these images and to conduct comparison measurements. Over time the client became used to the new slimmer shape of her stomach, and therefore couldn’t see the reduction as the tissue loss is slow. We applied 4 handles on her abdomen in a diamond shape , 3 months prior to the after photo. The measurements showed a massive 7cm reduction in her circumference on the lower belly. At our fat freezing clinic in Melbourne, we ensure that every client is aware that the transformation takes time as the elimination of the damaged fat cells occurs slowly. It may feel like you have not lost any fat, or changed shape at all; however the fat loss is evident in the images and in the reduction of size through our measurements. Looking at her abdomen every day made the gradual changes less obvious to the client. We recommended further treatments particularly in the lower abdomen if she wanted to pull the stomach in further, however – as we were able to show her her previous shape and size of her stomach after this single session of fat freezing, she was happy to wait before having further treatment. Call us on 1300 BODY NOW and talk to our fat freezing specialists.

Fat freezing treatment at Beautiful Body Clinics

We specialise in fat freezing treatment as we believe that fat freezing is the most effective and cost-efficient way to permanently change your body shape. 

Fat freezing is also the safest treatment as there are no needles or blood or the need for an anaesthetic.

We offer free consultations in our fat freezing Melbourne clinic – so please click here or give us a call on 1300 BODY NOW (1300 2639 669) to book and let us start you on the way to find your beautiful body.

Author’s Bio:

Linda – (Bachelor of Nursing) had over 10 years of hospital and surgical work experience as a Registered Nurse (1994 – 2007), and was a busy working Mum when she established Australia’s first Fat freezing Specialised clinic in Melbourne – Beautiful Body Clinics Fat Freezing Specialists. This was after personally experiencing the life-changing results of fat freezing (also called Cryolipolysis or Coolsculpting) when she was unable to get rid of her tummy despite a healthy diet and a frequent exercise program. You can contact her here directly,


Mind the (thigh) gap


Fat freezing treatment on outer thighs