Top 20 mistakes to avoid after fat freezing

fat freezing after care


After undergoing fat-freezing treatment, clients need to follow post-treatment guidelines to maximize results and ensure a smooth recovery.

Here are the top 20 biggest mistakes clients make after fat freezing:

1. Not Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle:

Failing to adhere to a healthy diet and exercise regimen can compromise fat-freezing results and lead to weight gain. Fat freezing is not the panacea to fried chicken and beer. You need to maintain your normal energy in energy out balance and stay at an equilibrium. Better still an energy deficit will elicit global weight loss and will emphasize your fat-freezing results.

2. Expecting Immediate Results:

Fat-freezing results are gradual and may take several weeks to months to manifest fully. Expecting immediate changes can lead to disappointment and unrealistic expectations. Despite the 12 week period to see full results often we can begin to be visible as early as 2 weeks, however, this is usually slight and as the fat loss porgresses slowly sometimes it is not visible to the client.

3. Overindulging in Unhealthy Foods:

Consuming excessive amounts of unhealthy foods high in calories can create an imbalance of the calories in versus calories out - and global weight gain and fat can counteract the effects of fat freezing and undermine progress. Although the cells that we have damaged during the fat freezing treatment are permanently destroyed and eliminated from the body the remaining cells can grow larger thereby the results will not be as evident.

4. Not Drinking Enough Water:

Adequate hydration is crucial for the body's natural elimination of fat cells post-treatment. Not drinking enough water can impede this process. It will also assist with a feeling of fullness which in turn assists with weight maintenance and weight loss.

5. Ignoring Post-Treatment Instructions:

Disregarding post-treatment instructions provided by the clinician can increase the risk of complications and diminish results. Instructions such as avoiding anti-inflammatory medication including steroids are recommended as the consumption of these can reduce efficacy.

6. Discontinuing Healthy Habits:

Some clients may revert to unhealthy habits, such as excessive eating or sedentary behaviour, assuming fat freezing alone will maintain results without lifestyle changes.

7. Expecting Perfection:

While fat freezing can produce significant improvements, it may not achieve perfection or eliminate all of the fat cells. In essence, we are using an artificial mechanism to try and create a perfect shape and contour on your body. We try to shape your fat to match the adjacent tissue and body and muscle structure, which is an art. An individual treatment plan must be created for you whereby our recommendations will consider your goals and your current shape and size and therefore our treatment plan.

8. Getting Additional Treatments Too Soon:

Opting for additional fat-freezing treatments before fully assessing the results of previous sessions may not yield better outcomes and could lead to over-treatment. For clients that have larger (thicker) subcutaneous tissue in the treated area it is suitable for retreatment at 4 weeks however for smaller clients we recommend we assess the treated area at 8-10 weeks prior to applying additional treatments. This is why a personalised treatment plan is created for each client.

9. Not Communicating Honestly with the Clinician regarding your desired outcomes:

Open communication during your free fat-freezing consultation with our clinicians is crucial for addressing concerns, tracking progress, and ensuring your satisfaction. If you want washboard abs then say it. There is no point telling us you just want a little tuck-in if you want a huge change. This allows us to recommend an appropriate treatment plan with a recommended number of sessions for you to achieve your desired outcomes.

10. Assuming Other Areas Will Reduce in Size:

During your consultation, we measure the thickness of the fat, and the size of the area to determine the appropriate shaped and sized handle to use during fat freezing. This is to ensure that only the tissue in the treated area is treated or that we can capture as much tissue as possible to provide you with your desired outcomes. Fat freezing only works on the area treated, so there will be no direct impact on adjacent tissue that is not cooled during treatment hence there will be no reduction in the thickness of that area.

top 20 biggest mistakes clients make after fat freezing

11. Not Following Recommended Treatment Plans:

Often multiple treatments are required to be repeated on the same body area to provide the reduction in fat cells. If you want a large reduction but only commit to a single treatment and by doing so ignore the recommendations made during your consultation, your results may be less than your desired outcomes.

12. Not Allowing Enough Time for Adequate Results:

Fat freezing takes up to 12 weeks to see the full results however quite often we see results at 2 weeks. That said, if you have a big important event like a wedding and you want to fit into a smaller dress, please allow a minimum of 12 weeks. This will allow for dress adjustments to fit your new shape just before the big day.

13. Underestimating Recovery Time:

While fat freezing is non-invasive, clients should expect some temporary side effects, such as swelling, bruising, or numbness, and allow adequate time for recovery. During your free consultation, we ask you to consider if you have any important events coming up. If so and depending on the body area you want fat freezing on we will sometimes recommend delaying treatment. We don’t want you to attend a special event next weekend with bruises on your arms or not being able to fit into your cocktail dress due to the mild swelling in your abdomen.

14. Comparing Results to Others:

Each individual's response to fat freezing is unique, and results may vary based on factors such as metabolism, skin elasticity, and lifestyle habits. Comparing outcomes to others can lead to unnecessary stress or dissatisfaction. During your consultation, your desired outcomes, and your fat and skin type and quality is assessed and are all considered before treatment recommendations are made.

15. Assuming Fat Freezing Will Get Rid of Cellulite:

Fat freezing is known to reduce the appearance of cellulite however it is not a treatment to get rid of cellulite. Cellulite is caused by tight fibres pulling down on the skin causing a dimpled appearance. Whilst fat freezing reduces the number of fat cells under the skin the fibers are still tight, but with fewer fat cells pushing up, cellulite appears to be less.

16. Assuming Muscle-Building Treatments Provide Better Results:

All muscle-building treatments are temporary and will only work if there are very very small amounts of subcutaneous fat in the treated areas. This is why we do not offer muscle-building treatments. We would prefer that you save your money and spend it on getting rid of the fat cells rather than building up muscle that will not be seen nor retained.

17. Assuming Fat Freezing Will Tighten Skin:

Quite often skin lifts and tightens due to a reduction in the weight (by the reduced number of fat cells) however it is not a skin tightening treatment. It will not reduce or repair stretch marks but again with the reduced weight the appearance of these is reduced and modified. Additional skin tightening treatments - like microneedling and laser are recommended after treatment.

18. Forgetting Where You Have Come From:

Quite often our clients forget what their size and shape were when they attended our clinic. As the fat reduces ever so slowly in the treated area clients become used to the new shape and are unable to remember their previous shape. This is why we require our clients to attend a post-treatment follow-up appointment so that we can share their before and after images plus measurement changes. Although 10 cm doesn't sound like a large reduction in your circumference, a tape measure held around your abdomen with the 10 cm included is quite surprising.

19. Not Joining our Behavioural Change and Accountability Program:

Our educational, motivational, and inspirational program helps you get on track and stay there. The holistic approach provides support to the mental and spiritual progress that you will undergo during the process of fat loss.

20. Forgetting to Celebrate Progress:

Recognizing and celebrating progress, no matter how small, is essential for maintaining motivation and confidence throughout the fat-freezing journey. Focusing solely on perceived imperfections can detract from achievements and diminish satisfaction.


By avoiding these common mistakes and following post-treatment guidelines diligently, our clients can enhance the effectiveness of fat-freezing treatments and achieve their desired body contouring results. At Beautiful Body Clinics we are committed to changing our clients’ negative body story forever. We give men and women the body that they desire and the body that they love.


Are the results achieved through fat freezing permanent?

Yes, the results from fat freezing are permanent in the sense that the fat cells that are destroyed and eliminated from the body do not regenerate. However, it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle as the remaining fat cells in the body can still enlarge if one gains weight, which can affect the visible results.

Is it safe to undergo fat freezing treatment while on your menstrual period?

Yes, it is safe to undergo fat freezing treatment during your menstrual period. You might find the treatment slightly more uncomfortable if it's applied to your lower abdomen, but it remains safe to proceed with the procedure during this time

How many fat freezing sessions are typically recommended to achieve desired results?

The number of fat freezing sessions recommended can vary depending on the individual’s goals, the amount of fat, and the area being treated. The content suggests that often multiple treatments are required, particularly for significant reductions in fat cells. A personalized treatment plan is typically created during the initial consultation to recommend the appropriate number of sessions needed to achieve the desired outcomes.

Are the results really permanent?

Yes, the results are permanent regarding the fat cells that are treated and removed. These cells do not come back. However, to maintain the results, it is crucial to follow a healthy lifestyle as the remaining fat cells can still expand if one gains weight. Therefore, while the specific cells treated are permanently removed, overall body shape maintenance depends on lifestyle factors.


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