Fat freezing on arms: How does it work?

Arm fat freezing at Beautiful Body Clinics

This image shows the beautiful frozen pocket of fat cells on the underarm of our client. Prior to treatment we measure the arms width and identify where the main area of excess adipose (fat) cells are, plus the area that really annoys you the most. We then apply the handle to the identified fat cells and then the magic begins. 

This area in the photo shows a frozen pocket or what is called a butter stick of fat cells. It was then massaged so that the skin colour, skin texture and skin temperature returned to normal before this client left the clinic. Some clients may experience some pain in the days following fat freezing however our clients report that after fat freezing treatment on arms, it generally feels like you’ve “done a good tri-cep workout”.

What to do after your arm fat freezing?

Usually, no pain medication is required for arm treatments. Fat freezing – also called Coolsculpting or the clinical name cryolipolsis –  takes up to 4 months to see the maximum results as it relies on your body’s natural system to get rid of the damaged fat cells, however, most clients can see a difference at 8 weeks or earlier. Repeat treatments of fat freezing on the same area can be conducted at 30 days after initial treatment, however, for smaller clients with less fat on the treated area, we recommend we wait until 90 days (3 months) after the first session so that we are able to assess your response before applying the second treatment. The need for additional treatments is entirely at the client’s discretion as it is difficult for us to know what your new arm size feels like on them.

Arm fat freezing at Beautiful Body Clinics

We specialise in fat freezing as we believe that fat freezing is the most effective and cost efficient way to permanently change your body shape. Fat freezing is also the safest treatment as there are no needles or blood or the need for an anaesthetic. There is also no downtime – or time required for recovery (or days off work) after fat freezing. There is no oozing of blood and or haemoserous fluid from the incision lines – like there is after liposuction. There is also no scarring from the insertion of the needles that are used during liposuction. 

We offer free assessments in our fat freezing Melbourne clinic – so please give us a call and let us start you on the way to find your beautiful body.

Please call us on 1300 BODY NOW if you would like to come in for a free consultation in our Fat freezing Melbourne clinic.

Fat freezing treatment at Beautiful Body Clinics

We specialise in fat freezing treatment as we believe that fat freezing is the most effective and cost-efficient way to permanently change your body shape. 

Fat freezing is also the safest treatment as there are no needles or blood or the need for an anaesthetic.

We offer free consultations in our fat freezing Melbourne clinic – so please click here or give us a call on 1300 BODY NOW (1300 2639 669) to book and let us start you on the way to find your beautiful body.

Author’s Bio:

Linda – (Bachelor of Nursing) had over 10 years of hospital and surgical work experience as a Registered Nurse (1994 – 2007), and was a busy working Mum when she established Australia’s first Fat freezing Specialised clinic in Melbourne – Beautiful Body Clinics Fat Freezing Specialists. This was after personally experiencing the life-changing results of fat freezing (also called Cryolipolysis or Coolsculpting) when she was unable to get rid of her tummy despite a healthy diet and a frequent exercise program. You can contact her here directly, linda@beautifulbodyclinics.com.au


10 Things to consider when choosing a Fat freezing clinic


What is Fat freezing or Cryolipolysis treatment?