
Behavioural Change and Accountability Program

Behavioural Change Program Reviews

Let us give you a (gentle) push in the right direction.

We understand what it’s like looking in the mirror and not loving what you see. Self-criticism, negative self-talk, and then the ridiculous diet-fail merry-go round. It’s exhausting. We want to help you make changes for good.

We are told by the so-called experts to just do this diet or that exercise to lose belly fat - but the real challenge for most of us is sticking to it. Most of these diets and programs do work, but when the washing basket is overflowing and the glass of wine is calling - we fall off the wagon., Usually because we have no one to encourage, inspire and most importantly be accountable too.

Over the last 7 years and with the thousands of clients we have treated - the one resounding issue that our clients claim for the reason for not achieving their health and wellness goals is a lack of accountability. 84% of our fat freezing clients state that they want more accountability to achieve their health and wellness goals.

This is why we have created Mytemple - our coaching, motivation educational, and accountability program.

We have created our program to work to help you work on your actual beahvaiours (exercise, eating) and your psyche and self-talk.

We want to help you tap into your headspace and change the way you think about yourself and your body.

Mytemple - helps you with this. It’s positive, informative, and supportive. We check in with you and coach you through because we know it’s a lonely journey doing this alone.

Although we don’t focus on weight loss - our fat freezing clients who join Mytemple actually lose weight (in fact 2.7 kilograms on average). And because this weight loss is achieved slowly (through positive behaviour change) it is more likely to stay off. This is not another restrictive diet or trendy drug that only works for the short term.

Our program takes about 5 minutes at the end of each day, where you record your specific goals and activities from the day.

Mytemple includes

  1. Hypnosis tracks - to encourage you to exercise and to avoid emotional eating

  2. Goal setting and tracking initiatives

  3. Weekly coaching calls - (we know it is lonely out there.)

  4. Daily nudges - evidence-based information and inspiration to keep you on track 

  5. And Daily check-ins to keep you on the straight and narrow.

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Fat freezing reviews

Every time we flatten a belly we fatten a belly!

Buy1Give1 is a social enterprise on a mission to create a world full of giving. Beautiful Body Clinics is a proud member of B1G1, and giving is a part of our company culture and mission. We want to make people feel fantastic, near and far. We commit that every time we flatten a belly, we also fatten a belly. If you would like to know how your business can get involved please contact

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Book a free consultation to see if

fat freezing is right for you.

There's no commitment, pressure or obligation.