Beautiful Body Clinics

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I’m sorry...

I’m sorry.

Last week when speaking with my spray tanning lady “Jane” – we were talking about how honoured we are by the trust and vulnerability that our clients share with us, standing there naked or semi-naked and allowing us to see the bits that they normally hide from the world. I know with my fat freezing (cryolipolysis) clients there is all sorts of discomfort experienced which I too felt when I had my treatment. “My boyfriend/husband/partner doesn’t even see me like this”.  Jane said quite often she walks into the tanning room and the first thing that comes out of many of her clients mouths is “I’m sorry”  – for  being “not waxed properly” or having on “normal underwear” or for “making you see this”.  We were both saddened by this, if only we all knew how different yet similar our bodies (and thoughts) are. We all have old (comfy) underwear, we all have days/weeks/months of no grooming and dare I say, all of us have something we wish we could change.

When we perform fat freezing treatments there is often a period of grabbing on to the fat pockets to see where the placement of handles will occur to give the best fat freezing results.  This is uncomfortable for most women and I wish it wasn’t.  Most of us have something we are shy about exposing or wish wasn’t there.

If you think you are alone – with your “imperfect” body or your everyday underwear – don’t be! Why can’t we just rejoice in our differences and thank Mother Nature for what we have been given. And should we chose to deal with these differences (our fat tummies, muffin tops, bra bulge or crow’s feet (through fat freezing, fake tanning or botoxing) rejoice in that too. We have an area we want changed and there is now a solution.  Modern medicine is here to help. Why not use it?  We can stay on the treadmill of criticism and self-loathing and battle ourselves for not eating a perfect diet or not going to the gym or drinking a glass of wine, or we can get a little help. Clatuu, Coolsculpting and Cooltech are all great fat freezing systems that actually work (be warned there are many out there that don’t!)

My personal thoughts are do as much as you can on your own (through a healthy diet and enjoyable exercise) but if you need a little help why battle on? We have one life, it’s short, busy and hard enough, with kids, work, mortgages, relationships and more. Why not enjoy it with health and happiness even if we get a little help from our friends?

Fat freezing treatment at Beautiful Body Clinics

We specialise in fat freezing treatment as we believe that fat freezing is the most effective and cost-efficient way to permanently change your body shape. 

Fat freezing is also the safest treatment as there are no needles or blood or the need for an anaesthetic.

We offer free consultations in our fat freezing Melbourne clinic – so please click here or give us a call on 1300 BODY NOW (1300 2639 669) to book and let us start you on the way to find your beautiful body.

Author’s Bio:

Linda – (Bachelor of Nursing) had over 10 years of hospital and surgical work experience as a Registered Nurse (1994 – 2007), and was a busy working Mum when she established Australia’s first Fat freezing Specialised clinic in Melbourne – Beautiful Body Clinics Fat Freezing Specialists. This was after personally experiencing the life-changing results of fat freezing (also called Cryolipolysis or Coolsculpting) when she was unable to get rid of her tummy despite a healthy diet and a frequent exercise program. You can contact her here directly,

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