Beautiful Body Clinics

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AM's Inspiring Hip and Waist Fat Freezing Before and After Journey

Introduction to AM's Remarkable Transformation

AM first came to us for some fat freezing treatment in 2020, her goal was to reshape her body for her 65th birthday.

She had heard of fat freezing from her hairdresser who had mentioned the treatment as she was looking into some fat reduction on her chin area. Her hairdresser decided to go down the avenue of liposuction which she said was not only extremely painful but that it also didn't meet her expectations as there was still a lot of fat remaining. The recovery time after fat freezing also impacted her ability to return to work and she needed to take 2 weeks off, which increased the cost of her liposuction (2 additional weeks of leave with out pay).

The Decision to Try Fat Freezing

This fat freezing idea inspired AM to visit us and commence her body sculpting journey. AM was put off by needles and the price of liposuction. She visited us in July and by the end of the year her body was transformed and she was able to wear the beautiful blue satin dress she bought for her 65th birthday. This birthday also coincided with her 45th wedding anniversary.

AM initially started her body transformation with us focusing on her abdomen. We applied 4 handles in a diamond shape. After this, we also focused on her hips and waist and the underarm area. The benefit of fat freezing is the ability to focus on a new area once the initial area has been treated and results are seen.

Other client success about fat freezing hip

Target Areas and Treatment Process

With a good-sized bust AM said that as she aged the tissue around her bra-line, back and forwards to the bust area, became bigger and she no longer had the hourglass waist that she had when she was a younger woman. Therefore after reducing her abdomen, we focused on her getting her figure back. So we focused on her fat freezing treatment to her waist, hips and bra-line.

Client Success: AM's Fat Freezing Before and After Results

Today AM she is thrilled with her new shape. In her post treatment followup appointment she explained “I no longer have a pillow as a belly and the bulk has gone. I can sit and not feel uncomfortable. I also feel more feminine for my husband. I fit back into my old clothes and don’t need to wear my spanks all the time. Thank you so much for giving me my body back”.

We are all delighted to have contributed to her body transformation, alongside many other clients who have experienced similarly successful outcomes.


When can I expect to see results from fat freezing?

Many people start to see a difference after a few weeks, but it can take up to 2-3 months to see the full effect. Your body needs time to naturally flush out those targeted fat cells after the treatment. Trust me, the wait is worth it! Watch this video: “How soon to see result from fat freezing” for more information

Are the results from fat freezing treatment permanent?

Once those fat cells are gone, they're gone! That means the results from fat freezing can be permanent, as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating right and exercising regularly will help you keep those unwanted bulges at bay.

How long does each fat freezing session take?

A typical fat freezing session takes about 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated. So you can literally pop in during your lunch break and be back out the door, ready to tackle the rest of your day!

How much does fat freezing cost?

The cost of fat freezing can vary depending on the size of the area being treated and the number of sessions you need. But here at Beautiful Body Clinics, we offer free consultations so we can chat about your goals and create a personalised treatment plan that fits your budget.